FREE Single Vision Lenses with Premium AR with any frame purchase

Fitting Room – Vontelle

Try them all or start shopping now!!

We have two fun ways to shop with our virtual try on and fitting room! Not sure which Vontelle frame you want? Scroll down and you will see them all. Have fun!!! Click the shop now button to choose from the Vontelle frames and you can also try them on before you purchase!! Our online measuring system automatically takes your PD so don't worry if you don't have this info.

acacia aviator

Virtual Try-on

ankara aviator

Virtual Try-on

aztec archetype gray

Virtual Try-on

aztec archetype pink

Virtual Try-on

black nile

Virtual Try-on

bleu nile

Virtual Try-on

cairo maroon

Virtual Try-on

cairo retro square olive

Virtual Try-on

cleopatra pink

Virtual Try-on

cleopatra yellow

Virtual Try-on

congo square

Virtual Try-on

gold nile

Virtual Try-on

kente blue

Virtual Try-on

kente green

Virtual Try-on

kente orange

Virtual Try-on

kente red

Virtual Try-on

kente yellow

Virtual Try-on

keys to kenya blue

Virtual Try-on

keys to kenya pink

Virtual Try-on

moroccan burgundy

Virtual Try-on

moroccan wayfarer

Virtual Try-on

pharaoh aztec

Virtual Try-on

pharaoh giraffe

Virtual Try-on

pharaoh mudcloth

Virtual Try-on

pharaoh zebra

Virtual Try-on

rectangular rands black

Virtual Try-on

rectangular rands green

Virtual Try-on

rectangular rands red

Virtual Try-on

rectangular rands yellow

Virtual Try-on

rwanda wayfarer

Virtual Try-on

sahara addax

Virtual Try-on

sahara clubmaster

Virtual Try-on

sienna peacock

Virtual Try-on

sienna spiral

Virtual Try-on

star gizas half

Virtual Try-on

star gizas pyramid

Virtual Try-on

star gizas square

Virtual Try-on

Fast Local Shipping

All glasses are made in the US


Single Vision lenses w/ premium coating


Lenses and frames are covered by manufacturer's warranty*

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